A project by Gading Kencana Sdn Bhd
Gading Kencana Contributes to UKM Student Welfare Fund

Gading Kencana Contributes to UKM Student Welfare Fund


Gading Kencana Contributes to UKM Student Welfare Fund- Gading Kencana Sdn. Bhd. continues its commitment to education and community development by contributing to the UKM Student and Alumni Welfare Fund. This significant contribution was made during the Majlis Sanjungan Kasih Alumni UKM 2025, reinforcing our dedication to supporting students and strengthening alumni relations.

Our Managing Director, Dato’ (Dr.) Ir. Guntor Tobeng, personally presented the contribution to Prof. Emeritus Dr. Mohamad Abd Razak, Chairman of the UKM Board of Directors. The event also saw the presence of Prof. Datuk Dr. Azlinda Azman, Director of Higher Education, and Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Ekhwan Toriman, UKM Vice-Chancellor, highlighting the significance of this initiative.

The event successfully raised RM370,100, which will be allocated towards student welfare programs and the development of campus facilities. This initiative aims to provide financial assistance to students in need while enhancing the university’s infrastructure to create a better learning environment.

At Gading Kencana, we believe that education is a powerful tool for shaping the future. By investing in student welfare, we are fostering a brighter tomorrow for young minds and ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder their academic success.

We are honored to be part of this meaningful initiative and remain committed to supporting the academic community. As we continue to expand our corporate social responsibility efforts, we look forward to further collaborations that make a difference in the lives of students and society as a whole.

Kuota solar NEM Rakyat habis

Kuota solar NEM Rakyat habis dilanggan


PETALING JAYA: Kuota pemasangan panel solar di bawah program permeteran tenaga bersih (NEM) bagi kategori NEM Rakyat iaitu untuk pemasangan solar fotovoltaik kegunaan domestik sudah habis dilanggan semalam.

Dalam tinjauan di laman web Lembaga Pembangunan Tenaga Lestari Malaysia (SEDA), iaitu agensi yang dipertanggungjawabkan untuk menyelia tenaga lestari negara, kota untuk NEM Rakyat boleh dikatakan sudah dilanggan sepenuhnya.

Kuota yang masih berbaki ialah NEM Nova, iaitu untuk industri dan NEM Gomen untuk agensi-agensi kerajaan.

Bagi tahun 2024, kerajaan telah memperuntukkan kuota NEM Rakyat sebanyak 350 megawatt (MW) sehingga 31 Disember ini.

Bagaimanapun Kuota solar NEM Rakyat habis dilanggan pada September lalu disusuli dengan pengumuman kuota tambahan sebanyak 50 MW, yang mana ia telah habis dilanggan semalam.

Sehubungan itu pengguna dan pihak industri menggesa kerajaan melakukan sesuatu termasuk menambah kuota berkenaan selari dengan pengumuman dalam Belanjawan 2025 pada 18 Oktober lalu bahawa program NEM akan dilanjutkan hingga 30 Jun 2025.

Tanpa ada penambahan kuota, pengumuman itu tidak memberi apa-apa makna kerana pengguna tidak lagi boleh melanggan untuk memasang panel solar di rumah mereka kerana pemasangan tertakluk kepada kuota yang diperuntukan melalui Tenaga Nasional Berhad.

Menurut para pemain industri, ini sekali gus boleh menjejaskan usaha kerajaan mempromosikan penggunaan tenaga bersih dan program peralihan tenaga negara.

Pada masa yang sama kata mereka, tempahan daripada pelanggan juga masih banyak yang belum dapat dipenuhi ekoran kehabisan kuota.

Situasi ini bukan sahaja menjejaskan industri tenaga boleh baharu, tetapi juga menjejaskan minat orang ramai untuk beralih kepada tenaga bersih berasaskan solar. – Gading Kencana

servis solar

GADING HBA 30MW CGPP | 2025 Pipeline Project

GADING HBA 30MW CGPP | 2025 Pipeline Project

GADING HBA 30MW CGPP | 2025 Pipeline Project – Introductory

Welcome to an in-depth look at Gading Kencana’s latest and exciting venture, the GADING HBA 30MW CGPP | 2025 Pipeline Project. This landmark project is set to make a powerful impact on Malaysia’s renewable energy landscape, with a substantial contribution of 30MW to the national power grid under the Corporate Green Power Program (CGPP). At Gading Kencana, we are proud to be at the forefront of green energy solutions and to support Malaysia’s commitment to sustainable growth. Here, we’ll explore how this initiative will play a vital role in our renewable energy journey, what it entails, and what you can expect in the year ahead.

As environmental concerns and energy demands grow, the need for reliable and renewable energy sources becomes even more pressing. The GADING HBA 30MW CGPP project aligns with Malaysia’s ambitions for a greener, more resilient future. By harnessing solar photovoltaic (PV) technology, this initiative is designed to deliver clean and sustainable energy directly into the power grid, providing businesses and communities with a dependable energy source that reduces dependency on traditional, non-renewable resources. This not only enhances energy security but also mitigates environmental impacts, contributing to Malaysia’s long-term climate goals and helping meet carbon reduction commitments.

What makes the GADING HBA 30MW CGPP project particularly unique is its participation in the CGPP framework, which incentivizes private sector involvement in green energy. Through CGPP, companies like Gading Kencana can play a pivotal role in shaping a sustainable energy landscape. With the infrastructure and expertise developed over years of experience, Gading Kencana brings reliability, innovation, and dedication to delivering high-performance, eco-friendly solutions.

Throughout this video series, we will explore how the GADING HBA 30MW CGPP | 2025 Pipeline Project will progress and unfold. You’ll gain insight into its goals, its potential impact on the community and economy, and our approach to overcoming challenges that may arise along the way. We’ll also showcase the advanced technology and meticulous planning that make this project a significant milestone in Malaysia’s green energy evolution.

Stay tuned as we bring you closer to our mission of a greener, more sustainable Malaysia. At Gading Kencana, we believe in a future where renewable energy is not just an option, but a standard for all. Join us as we unveil what’s in store for this groundbreaking project and for Malaysia’s renewable energy journey.

skim sewa milik

Skim Sewa Milik Sistem Solar Gading Kencana serendah RM220.


PETALING JAYA: Gading Kencana Sdn. Bhd. syarikat pembekal tenaga boleh Baharu di negara ini menawarkan pakej skim sewa milik sistem panel solar fotovoltaik serendah RM220 sebulan.

Pengarah Urusannya, Dato (Dr.) Ir. Guntor Tobeng berkata, pakej itu selari dengan Langkah Kerajaan sekarang yang mengadakan Kempen menggalakkan rakyat memasang sistem solar di rumah mereka bagi menjimatkan dan bil elektrrik setiap bulan.

Sempena Kempen ini, Dato Guntor berkata, Kerajaan akan memberikan insentif tunai sehingga RM4,000 kepada mereka yang memasang sistem panel solar.

“Kami di Gading Kencana turut mengambil bahagian dalam Kempen ini di mana kami menawarkan pakej sewa milik sistem panel solar fotovoltaik untuk Rumah selama 10 tahun serendah RM220 sebulan.

“Tertakluk syarat dan terma, pakej yang kami tawarkan ini, pengguna tidak perlu membuat sebarang pembayaran ketika pemasangan dan kami juga akan membantu mereka mendapatkan insentif RM4,000 tersebut dari Kerajaan,”katanya dalam kenyataan.

Menurut Dato Guntor, pihaknya menawarkan pakej itu sebagai menyokong usaha kerajaan menggalakkan rakyat menggunakan tenaga bersih terutama yang berasakan solar.

Katanya , selain menjimatkan bil elektrik hingga 90 peratus sebulan, penggunaan tenaga solar juga membantu mengurangkan pemanasan global dan menangani perubahan iklim serta membantu negara dalam pengurusan jejak karbon global.

“Kalau ada kawan-kawan, saudara mara atau jiran tetangga yang ingin pasang sistem panel solar di rumah boleh kongsikan pakej promosi yang ditawarkan oleh Gading Kencana ini,” katanya.



ICW BuildXpo 2024

ICW BuildXpo 2024 : Paving the Way for Green Energy


Gading Kencana was a key participant at the International Construction Week (ICW) BuildXpo 2024, held in Kuala Lumpur, where we showcased our latest innovations in solar energy. Our booth attracted visitors from various sectors, including university students eager to learn about solar technology and its potential impact on the construction industry.

We were also honored by the visits of Minister of Works, Datuk Seri Alexander Nanta Linggi, Deputy Minister of Works, Datuk Ahmad Maslan, and Deputy Minister of Rural and Regional Development, Datuk Rubiah Wang, who were given a comprehensive overview of our offerings by Dato’ (Dr.) Ir. Guntor Tobeng, Managing Director of Gading Kencana.

At Gading Kencana, we remain committed to driving the adoption of sustainable energy solutions, and we were proud to showcase how our solar systems can help the construction industry achieve its green energy goals. Thank you to everyone who visited us during the event ICW BuildXpo 2024.

If you are looking to transition your commercial property to clean, renewable energy, Gading Kencana offers a range of customized solar solutions to meet your needs. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping businesses reduce their energy costs while contributing to a more sustainable future.

Visit our website at www.nemnova.com to learn more about our solar offerings, request a consultation, or inquire about how we can assist you in achieving your green energy goals. Let us help you take the next step towards sustainability with reliable and efficient solar solutions.

If you want some maintenance work, visit us at servissolar.com


Kegagalan NETR jejas kedudukan, saingan negara di peringkat global


PELAN Hala Tuju Peralihan Tenaga Negara (NETR) yang merupakan pelengkap kepada Dasar Tenaga Negara telah berusia setahun lebih. Sudah tentu dalam usia yang muda ini ia memerlukan sokongan berterusan jika kita serius mahu mencapai pelepasan karbon sifar menjelang 2050.

Dilancarkan pada Julai 2023, NETR adalah program jangka panjang untuk kelestarian tenaga negara. Untuk itu ia juga memerlukan sokongan dasar bersifat jangka panjang termasuk melalui Belanjawan 2025 yang akan dibentangkan Jumaat ini.

Jika dalam Belanjawan 2024 kerajaan banyak menumpukan inisiatif ke arah industri kenderaan elektrik (EV), diharapkan untuk tahun depan ia lebih menyeluruh dalam membudayakan tenaga hijau dalam kalangan rakyat.

Matlamat NETR bukan sekadar menggunakan EV, tetapi memastikan gaya hidup seharian bebas daripada pelepasan karbon. Tidak ada gunanya jika kita menggunakan kenderaan EV tetapi elektrik yang digunakan untuk mengecajnya datang daripada tenaga yang dijana menggunakan bahan api fosil seperti minyak dan arang batu.

NETR mampu meningkatkan Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (KDNK) sebanyak 10 hingga 15 peratus, dengan mewujudkan 350,000 pekerjaan. Lebih penting, diunjurkan 70 peratus daripada keuntungan pendapatan akan mengalir kepada isi rumah berpendapatan rendah dan sederhana.
Ia juga akan menghasilkan produk untuk pasaran bernilai tinggi (HGHV) kerana akan mengurangkan 32 peratus pelepasan karbon dalam sektor tenaga. Ini akan membawa masuk jumlah pelaburan terus asing (FDI) hijau yang lebih tinggi ke dalam negara. Inisiatif NETR akan menjadi pendorong mengalirkan pelaburan masuk ke negara ini terutama yang berasaskan teknologi bersih.

Tetapi buat masa sekarang semua itu masih di peringkat asas seperti mencari lokasi yang sesuai, melakukan pelan reka bentuk, memilih pelaburan sesuai dan tetap serta pelbagai penyesuaian lagi yang turut memerlukan sokongan dasar dan inisiatif melalui Belanjawan 2025.

Mungkin perhatian lebih perlu diberikan kepada Kementerian Peralihan Tenaga dan Transformasi Air (PETRA) yang terbukti berjaya memainkan peranan berkesan dalam tenaga hijau atau tenaga boleh baharu (TBB) termasuk melaksanakan projek ladang solar berskala besar kelima (LSS5).

Kalau kita lihat 50 inisiatif NETR di bawah enam pemacu peralihan tenaga dan lima pemboleh iaitu pembiayaan dan pelaburan, dasar dan peraturan, modal insan dan peralihan yang adil, teknologi dan infrastruktur serta tadbir urus dan pelaksanaan, bermakna, NETR bukan sahaja sekadar menyediakan masa depan tenaga yang mampan untuk Malaysia tetapi juga membentangkan peluang ekonomi yang ketara.

Ia memerlukan pelaburan strategik, kepelbagaian sumber tenaga dan tadbir urus yang berkesan jika mahu peralihan tenaga ini benar-benar memberi manfaat kepada alam sekitar serta berdaya maju dari segi ekonomi untuk Malaysia.

Yang mana akhirnya memberi manfaat kepada rakyat iaitu kemungkinan kos tenaga yang lebih rendah selain peluang ekonomi lebih besar melalui ratusan ribu peluang pekerjaan bakal tersedia.

Dengan momentum peralihan tenaga global semakin rancak, ia secara langsung memberi kesan kepada ekonomi Malaysia. Dan NETR adalah persediaan untuk memastikan kita turut sama berada dalam momentum ini, agar tidak ketinggalan atau tercicir di pentas global.

Ketika ini Malaysia mendapat pengiktirafan sebagai negara terbaik di Asia Tenggara dalam Indeks Peralihan Tenaga oleh Forum Ekonomi Dunia (WEF).

Kita mempunyai kebolehcapaian elektrik yang tinggi di kawasan luar bandar dan bandar selain kadar elektrik isi rumah berada di antara yang paling rendah di seluruh dunia. Tambahan pula, pengeluaran daripada rizab minyak dan gas mengurangkan pergantungan kepada import tenaga. Kini ditambah pula dengan tenaga boleh baharu yang telah disuntik ke grid nasional.

Walaupun Malaysia menyumbang hanya 0.8 peratus kepada pelepasan gas rumah hijau (GHG) global, tetapi jika tidak ditangani ia boleh memberi kesan kepada penyertaan kita dalam ekosistem perdagangan global yang semakin menuntut kepada kepatuhan pelepasan karbon dan penggunaan tenaga hijau.

NETR akan mempersiapkan kita berhadapan dengan situasi apabila dunia hanya menerima urus niaga daripada sumber-sumber yang berasaskan tenaga hijau atau tenaga boleh baharu yang bebas karbon.

Tanpa peralihan tenaga ini, untuk tempoh sekitar 25 tahun akan datang, kita tidak akan mampu bersaing jika kekal menggunakan kaedah tenaga yang lama.

Sebab itu NETR ini perlu mendapat sokongan berterusan termasuk dalam Belanjawan 2025 supaya fokus peralihan daripada bahan api fosil tradisional kepada ekonomi hijau bernilai tinggi berjalan lancar. Menjelang 2050, inisiatif NETR dijangka memberikan pengurangan 32 peratus dalam pelepasan GHG untuk sektor tenaga.

Untuk jangka panjang kita tidak boleh melihat NETR sebagai peralihan tenaga semata-mata. Sebaliknya ia turut membentangkan peluang ekonomi yang ketara. Melalui pelaburan strategik, kepelbagaian sumber tenaga dan tadbir urus yang berkesan, peralihan tenaga boleh memberi manfaat kepada alam sekitar dan berdaya maju dari segi ekonomi untuk Malaysia.

Selain itu, ia perlu diuruskan oleh agensi yang ada keupayaan, kredibiliti, kemahiran dan rekod prestasi yang bagus dalam mengendalikan peralihan tenaga. Perkara ini mungkin boleh diperincikan dalam Belanjawan 2025 nanti.

Contoh terbaik ialah meletakkannya di bawah PETRA. Untuk memastikan NETR tidak jatuh ke tangan mereka yang tidak kompeten, setiap pelaksanaan projek perlu dilakukan secara bidaan. Cara ini lebih berkesan berbanding dianugerahkan secara terus kepada pihak tertentu termasuk syarikat berkaitan kerajaan (GLC).

Ini kerana akhirnya pihak yang menerima projek secara terus ini akan mencari syarikat-syarikat yang berkeupayaan untuk melaksanakannya bagi pihak mereka.

NETR adalah projek masa depan negara. Bayangkan jika ia jatuh ke tangan mereka yang hanya mahu mengaut untung segera yang tidak ada keupayaan dan kepakaran serta tidak mampu menyiapkan dalam masa yang ditetapkan. Adakah Malaysia mahu mengambil risiko itu?
Jika NETR gagal, ia akan menjejaskan kedudukan dan keupayaan kita untuk bersaing di peringkat global.

NETR tidak boleh gagal. Untuk memastikan ia tidak gagal, mekanisme pelaksanaan mesti betul dan tatakelolanya telus.- https://www.utusan.com.my/rencana/2024/10/kegagalan-netr-jejas-kedudukan-saingan-negara-di-peringkat-global/

DATUK Ir. Guntor Tobeng adalah Pengarah Urusan Gading Kencana Sdn. Bhd., syarikat yang terbabit dalam penyediaan tenaga hijau dan ladang solar.

Progress September 2024

Progress September 2024 of Sand Town Solar 30MW NEDA


Progress September 2024 of Sand Town Solar 30MW NEDA .

Check out the latest updates in our Progress September 2024 video! We’re thrilled to announce that the NEDA Solar Farm project is now in its final stages, with over 95% of the work completed. Testing and commissioning have already begun, bringing us closer to full operation in a few months. Don’t miss this exciting progress as we move closer to a greener, more sustainable future!

Don’t miss this golden opportunity to enjoy special promotions and various exclusive benefits from Gading Kencana for solar system installation at your home. With solar energy, not only can you save on electricity bills, but you also contribute to environmental preservation for future generations.

At Gading Kencana, we are committed to providing the best service with the latest technology and expert advice to ensure you get the solar energy solution that best suits your needs.

For more information on promotions, other benefits, and the latest updates, don’t forget to follow us on all our social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Threads, and YouTube. Follow us now and be part of the clean energy revolution for future generations.

Stay tuned for good news from us regarding new methods for financing solar for your home.

get inquiries at Servis Solar

Happy 67th Malaysia Independence Day

Happy 67th Malaysia Independence Day

Happy 67th Malaysia Independence Day

Happy 67th Malaysia Independence Day- As Malaysia celebrates its 67th year of independence, we at Gading Kencana take pride in contributing to the nation’s progress through sustainable energy solutions. Just as our nation broke free from colonial rule, today, Malaysians have the opportunity to break free from reliance on conventional energy sources.

Merdeka symbolizes freedom, progress, and a brighter future for all Malaysians. At Gading Kencana, we believe that true independence includes the freedom to choose clean, renewable energy that benefits both our environment and economy. Solar energy offers a path toward energy independence, helping households and businesses reduce their electricity costs while contributing to a cleaner, greener Malaysia.

With solar power, we can protect our natural resources, reduce carbon emissions, and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come. This Independence Day, let’s come together to embrace a new form of freedom—freedom from rising electricity bills and dependence on non-renewable energy sources.

Join us in celebrating Merdeka by taking a step toward a sustainable energy future. At Gading Kencana, we’re committed to empowering Malaysians with the latest in solar technology and expert guidance to ensure that your transition to solar is smooth and rewarding.

This year, as we wave the Jalur Gemilang and celebrate our nation’s triumphs, let’s also celebrate the possibility of a greener, more sustainable Malaysia. Together, we can power a future that reflects the values of independence, resilience, and innovation.

Happy 67th Malaysia Independence Day from all of us at Gading Kencana!

Solar Home Solution


Solar Home Solution to Savings

In today’s world, where energy efficiency and environmental sustainability are more crucial than ever, making the switch to solar energy for your home is a smart and forward-thinking decision. Not only does it benefit the planet, but it also offers significant savings and enhances the value of your property. At Gading Kencana, we provide comprehensive solar home solutions designed to bring green energy into your household.

Embrace Green Energy

Solar energy is a clean and renewable source of power. By harnessing the sun’s rays, we provide an energy solution that significantly reduces your reliance on fossil fuels. This shift to green energy is not just about cutting down on electricity bills; it’s about contributing to a healthier and more sustainable environment.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

One of the most compelling reasons to switch to solar energy is its positive impact on the environment. Traditional energy sources, such as coal and natural gas, contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, which accelerate climate change. Solar energy, on the other hand, produces no direct emissions. By installing a solar system, you are taking a substantial step towards reducing your carbon footprint and supporting global efforts to combat climate change.

Slash Your Monthly Costs

With a solar home solution, you can enjoy remarkable savings on your monthly energy bills. Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity, allowing you to power your home without relying entirely on the grid. This can lead to significant reductions in your monthly utility costs. Additionally, many regions offer incentives, tax credits, and rebates for solar installations, making the financial benefits even more appealing.

Increase Your Property Value

Investing in solar energy doesn’t just save you money; it can also increase the value of your home. Homes equipped with solar panels are often more attractive to buyers who are looking for energy-efficient and sustainable living options. Studies have shown that properties with solar installations tend to sell faster and at higher prices compared to those without. By going solar, you’re not only enhancing your current lifestyle but also making a valuable long-term investment.

Safe and Reliable Energy

Our solar home solutions are designed with safety and reliability in mind. Solar panels have no moving parts and require minimal maintenance, ensuring a hassle-free experience for homeowners. Moreover, advancements in solar technology mean that modern systems are more efficient and durable, providing consistent performance year after year.

Take the First Step Towards Solar Savings

Making the switch to solar energy is easier than ever with Gading Kencana Our team of experts will guide you through the entire process, from assessing your energy needs to designing and installing a customized solar system for your home. We are committed to delivering high-quality solutions that meet your specific requirements and help you achieve your energy-saving goals.

Join the growing community of homeowners who are enjoying the benefits of solar energy. Contact us today to learn more about our solar home solutions and start your journey towards a greener, more cost-effective future.

At Gading Kencana, we believe in the power of the sun to transform lives and protect our planet. Let us help you make the switch to solar and experience the myriad benefits it offers.

Get free quotation at www.solarrakyat.com

Robotic Solar PV Cleaning by Gading Kencana

Solar PV Cleaning


Robotic Solar PV Cleaning by Gading Kencana

  1. Robotic Solar PV Cleaning by Gading Kencana

 Our solar PV cleaning service uses advanced robotic technology to clean your solar panels efficiently. These special machines are designed to remove dirt, debris, and other contaminants from the panels. They are equipped with sensors and algorithms that allow them to move across the panels safely, ensuring a thorough clean without causing any damage. By keeping your solar panels clean, we help you get the most energy from your solar PV system, maximizing your investment in renewable energy. Send your request on our Panel Service website.

If you want to install solar at your home, get your free quotation at Solar Rakyat.